This would be LG Display's first LCD manufacturing facility in China and the company joins a slew of other panel makers to expand production and cooperation with the mainland to tap growing demand in the region.
Aceasta reprezinta prima fabrica de LCD-uri a companiei LG Display din China , iar compania se alatura producatorilor care vor sa se extinda in acest continentul pentru a raspunde cererii in crestere din regiune.
Earlier this year, China unveiled a stimulus package aimed at spurring rural consumers to purchase more electronic goods. Thanks partly to that move, demand for LCD televisions and computers has been robust this year from the mainland despite tepid demand from the U.S. and Europe.
La inceputul acestui an, China a lansat un pachet de stimuli pentru a indemna consumatorii rurali sa achizitioneze mai multe bunuri electronice. Datorita acestui demers, cererea pentru televizoare LCD si computere a crescut in acest an pe continentul asiatic in ciuda cererii scazute inregistrata in Statelor Unite si Europa.
Compania LG Display a anuntat ca fabrica va produce a opta generatie de tehnologie LCD.
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